Vaporizers have come a long way since the first pen-style vapes and cig-a-likes that were available on the market years ago. Now, vaporizers are becoming more technologically advanced, pairing themselves with smartphone apps and giving their users the option of touch...
If you’re thinking about switching from smoking to vaping, good for you! Thousands of people have already transitioned, trading in their analog cigarettes for a vape device and haven’t looked back. If you are wary that the switch might not work...
To some people, vaping is a way to kick the smoking habit. They see it as a healthier alternative. Plus, aside from the startup costs, it’s less expensive than normal cigarettes. There are also more flavors than standard cigarettes. And even...
With cannabis legal in some form in 33 states and one the agenda for legalization in many others, more people are curious about cannabis than ever. It is beginning to lose the stigma that was attached during the “Just Say No”...
We have some innovation in the vaporizer industry. Not only are there new kinds of mods, but vape manufacturers are each trying to give the vaping public what it wants. Most “Best of” lists are a matter of preference and perspective....
Vaporizers have become a popular way for many people to quit smoking. They have also become a popular accessory that can be tuned to an individual’s own personal tastes and style and even their lifestyle. There are vapes that are rugged...
There are many vapes out there, and it can be hard for a smoker to find targeted advice on what the best vape is to use to quit smoking. Going into a vape shop can lead to a bewildering array of...
Over time, a vaping connoisseur will collect a number of different vape pens, mods, and accessories. They will likely have their daily go-to of these, depending on features and what sorts of substances they like to vaporize. A desktop vaporizer, however,...
As oil-vaping technology advances, the number of options for portable vaporizers and pens continues to expand at an unprecedented rate. Vape pens are also climbing in popularity because of how easy they are to just carry around in a pocket or...
Vaporizers have become immensely popular in the last few years, providing another option if you’re looking for a way to enjoy smoking your favorite dry herb or extracts without the harshness of smoking. The most well-known desktop vaporizer model is Volcano....